The Guide to Asheron's Call
Readers Comments.
Author: Hokanu Shinzawai
Server: Solclaim
Guild: Monarch/Patron Milanas
One of my personal favorites is to go to Marae Lassel North Plains and post a loot mule (currently level 54) at the drop (or somewhere else that is safe enough for him to handle). Hunt dogs or whatever for one buff, picking up anything over 4.5k or so in value. Dump the heavy stuff on loot mule, repeat until you fill his main pack. (1-2 level 7 buffs max usually). Hold on to the lighter stuff, you can usually fill your main pack w/ jewelry/wands w/o burdening yourself.
This also works with the swarm spawns on the plateau, provided you have a nice safe spot for your mule.
As a matter of fact, this technique works well just about anywhere there is money treasure.
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