
The Guide to Asheron's Call
Readers Comments.
Author: Mal-Funk Shun
Server: Darktide
Guild: Khao
OK...once you hit 50...goto Light propyleum...install BANDIT SIGHT(ITS LIKE A CRACKED OUT SIXTH SENSE) while you are running and killing around the prop B Sight will tell you anything and everything that is good...it can select it for you and all you have to do is pick it up. There is a LS like 5 clicks or so from the prop...get a couple mules there and you can easily make over 5 mill in 2 hours...EASY...i dont even use a mule and all i loot is 13k+ items off the floor and i make close to a mil a run...GREAT EXP TOO. Only problem is sometimes its camped
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