The Guide to Asheron's Call
Readers Comments.
Author: Dei Ray
Server: Harvestgain
Guild: The K Crew
Good Article - I'm one of those that use 6 full packs of comps. As a 4 school mage I like being prepared. I am set up so that my Main pack stays almost empty for loot. There are only a few comps/peas I don't carry. I know I carry far too much but I can often go a week between re-comps. At one time I quit carring talisman peas and such but inevitabily I'd end up out in the middle of no where and run out at the worst time. Or some one would ask for that "odd" buff and I would find I didn't have the comp. So ... I carry it all and lots of it and still have a pack for DI's and a few assorted things and my main pack for loot.
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