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Enhance your Gameplay

   Author: Kickaha
   Server: Solclaim
     Guild: AsheronsGuide.com
      Date: 7/2/2001

Have you ever had problems locating your corpse? Finding your friends? Sifting out the good loot from the bad? Keeping track of when your buffs and debuffs will wear off? Running out of components in the middle of a battle? Finding cooking, alchemy and fletching items? A program called Decal and a number of plugins designed to run inside of Decal can help you deal with these problems (and many more) from WITHIN THE GAME!

The first step to success is making sure your computer and connection are ready to handle running a third party program inside of Asheron's Call. It is safe to say the following computer should be the minimum requirements for attempting this setup.

  • Pentium II 300mhz
  • 3DFX Voodoo 3
  • 128MB RAM
  • 56K Modem with 40kbps+ connection
  • 800 x 600 resolution
  • 15" Monitor

Slow connections and slow computers will only become even worse when you have Decal and friends sniffing out information and displaying it live, on-screen while you are playing Asheron's Call. For those of you with Pentium III computers, GeForce graphics, 256MB of RAM and broadband Internet connections - you really have nothing to worry about.

Download and Install Decal.
Downloading and installing decal is a relatively painless process. Simply visit the the Decal homepage, download the latest version of Decal and the Microsoft Windows Installer, install the Installer update first (.MSI file), reboot and then install Decal. This program does nothing for your gaming experience by itself - but it does allow other programs to "plug in" to your Asheron's Call.

Choose your Plugins.
Each of the following programs work on "most" computer configurations. Sometimes certain plugins just will not work with you software and hardware combination that you have chosen to play with. After downloading your favorites, make sure you have Asheron's Call and Decal shutdown before you begin installing.

Yes the tools that have been provided will enhance your game... - By Ratman
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