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Where to find the Ruined Amulets

   Author: Kickaha
   Server: Solclaim
     Guild: AsheronsGuide.com
      Date: 7/18/2003

This articles contains a listing of Amulets that can be imbued onto the Sunstone Gauntles to add a Moderate Skill Effect (+10 in that skill), the types of monsters to kill to get them, and where these monsters are located.

Ruined Amulet of the Arm (War) - Mosswart Idolator
Ruined Amulet of the Heart (Life) - Mosswart Soul Trapper
Ruined Amulet of the Left Hand (Creature) - Mosswart Fanatic
Ruined Amulet of the Right Hand (Item) - Mosswart Zealot

Mosswart Chamber near Zaikhal - 14.1N, 0.7W
Idol Spawning Grounds - 72.3S, 87.5E
Mosswart Hideout - 72.9S, 90.7E
Rumuba's Hidely-Hole - 75.9S, 89.1E

Ruined Amulet of the Atlatl - Drudge Lurker
Ruined Amulet of the Mace - Drudge Ravener
Ruined Amulet of the Sword - Drudge Stalker

Stalkers & Lurkers
Dungeon of Corpses - 56.1S, 49.6W
Sotiris - 68.0S, 69.2W
North & South Quiddity Dungeons
North & South Infiltrator Keep Dungeons
Gredaline Consulate - 61.6S, 29.3E

Panopticon Complex near Ayan Baqur - 59.1S, 84.0W
Black Dominion - 49.0S, 66.4W
Sotiris - 68.0S, 69.2W
Envoy's Chambers in the Gredaline Consulate - 61.6S, 29.3E

Ruined Amulet of the Axe - Banderling Berzerker
Ruined Amulet of the Bow - Banderling Striker

One at bottom of Asuger Temple near Holtburg 45.1N, 30.4E
Direlands, Area near 3 Towers
N of Mt. Shortcut (34.9N, 56.0E) drop-off

Ruined Amulet of the Crossbow - Scrawed Grievver
Ruined Amulet of the Dagger - Virulent Grievver

Grievver Valley NNW of Stonehold - 75.7N, 19.5W
Grievver Caves at 75.9N, 19.1W
N of Mt. Shortcut (34.9N, 56.0E) drop-off

Ruined Amulet of the Pugilist (UA) - Brutish Monouga
Ruined Amulet of the Spear - Ferocious Monouga

Wilderness areas
Near Bandit Castle
Near Beach Fort
N of Mt. Shortcut (34.9N, 56.0E) drop-off

Ruined Amulet of the Staff - Lich Lord

Halls of Metos (4.4S, 0.6W / 56.0S, 89.2W / 61.4S, 46.6W)
Empyrean Cloister - 23.4S, 5.8E
Lightless Catacombs - 82.2S, 35.2W
Serac Vault - 75.9S, 29.0E

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