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Tinkering Effects and Tinkering Materials Listing.

   Author: Kickaha
   Server: Solclaim
     Guild: AsheronsGuide.com
      Date: 6/18/2006

Armor Tinkering Materials:

  • Steel (Increases the armor's armor level by 20.)
  • Bronze (Increase the armor's protection against slashing by 0.2.)
  • Alabaster (Increases the armor's protection against piercing by 0.2.)
  • Marble (Increases the armor's protection against bludgeoning by 0.2.)
  • Armoredillo Hide (Increases the armor's protection against acid by 0.4.)
  • Wool (Increases the armor's protection against cold by 0.4.)
  • Ceramic (Increases the armor's protection against fire by 0.4.)
  • Reedshark Hide (Increases the armor's protection against lightning by 0.4.)
  • Peridot (Imbue the target with a +1 bonus to Melee Defense. - Note this is an imbue, meaning there is a maximum of 33% chance to succeed. The chance to succeed can be increased to a maximum of 38% if the tinkerer has the Charmed Smith augmentation.)
  • Zircon (Imbue the target with a +1 bonus to Magic Defense. - Note this is an imbue.)
  • Yellow Topaz (Imbue the target with a +1 bonus to Missile Defense. - Note this is an imbue.)

Item Tinkering Materials:

  • Gold (Increases treasure-generated item's value by 25%.)
  • Pine (Reduces a treasure-generated armor's value by 25%.)
  • Linen (Reduces a treasure-generated item's burden by 25%.)
  • Moonstone (Increases a treasure-generated item's maximum mana by 100.)

Requirement Removal/Changing Materials:

  • Copper (Apply this material to a magical, treasure-generated item with missile defense activation requirement to change that requirement into an appropriate melee defense requirement.)
  • Silver (Apply this material to a magical, treasure-generated item with a melee defense activation requirement to change that requirement into an appropriate missile defense requirement.)
  • Ebony (Apply this material to a magical, treasure-generated item with a heritage activation requirement to change that activation requirement to Gharu'ndim.)
  • Teak (Apply this material to a magical, treasure-generated item with a heritage activation requirement to change that activation requirement to Aluvian.)
  • Porcelain (Apply this material to a magical, treasure-generated item with a heritage activation requirement to change that activation requirement to Sho.)
  • Silk (Apply this material to a magical, treasure-generated item with an allegiance rank activation requirement to remove the rank requirement. In exchange, the item will gain an arcane lore difficulty equal to the its spellcraft.)

Magic Item Tinkering Materials:

  • Black Opal (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon or caster to imbue the target with Critical Strike.)
  • Fire Opal (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon or caster to imbue the target with Crippling Blow.)
  • Sunstone (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon or caster to imbue the target with Armor Rending.)
  • Opal (Apply this material to a treasure-generated magic caster to increase its mana conversion modifier by 1%.)
  • Agate (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Focus. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Azurite (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Wizard's Intellect. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Bloodstone (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Endurance. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Carnelian (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Strength. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Citrine (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Stamina Gain. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Hematite (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Warrior's Vitality. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Lapis Lazuli (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Self. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Lavender Jade (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Mana Gain. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Malachite (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Warrior's Vigor. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Red Jade (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Health Gain. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Rose Quartz (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Quickness. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Smokey Quartz (Apply this material to a piece of magical treasure-generated jewelry to imbue the target with Minor Coordination. This will also raise the arcane lore difficulty and the spellcraft of the piece by 25.)
  • Green Garnet (Apply this material to a treasure-generated magic caster that has an elemental damage bonus in order to increase the elemental damage bonus by 1% vs. monsters and 0.25% vs. players.)

Weapon Tinkering Materials:

  • Granite (Improves a treasure-generated weapon's variance by 20%.)
  • Iron (Improves a treasure-generated melee weapon's damage by 1.)
  • Mahogany (Improves a treasure-generated missile weapon's damage modifier by 4%.)
  • Oak (Decreases a treasure-generated weapon's speed by 50.)
  • Velvet (Increases a treasure-generated weapon's attack bonus by 1%.)
  • Brass (Improves a treasure-generated weapon weapon's melee defense bonus by 1%.)

    Resistance Rending Materials:

  • White Sapphire (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Bludgeon Rending.)
  • Black Garnet (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Pierce Rending.)
  • Imperial Topaz (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Slash Rending.)
  • Emerald (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Acid Rending.)
  • Red Garnet (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Fire Rending.)
  • Aquamarine (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Frost Rending.)
  • Jet (Apply this material to a treasure-generated weapon to imbue the target with Lightning Rending.)

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