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AsheronsGuide.com Articles.

Tinkering Effects and Tinkering Materials Listing. (6/18/2006)
Check here for the latest tinkering materials listing. The old list was made in 2003 and was missing a few good salvage types - but this one should now containt them all.

AC Character Builder (1/5/2006)
A lot of people have asked about a web-based character builder that lets you create characters offline - so I created one that lets you build templates from creation to level 275!

Experience / Skill Credits per Level (2/26/2004)
A complete chart designed to show you the amount of experience and how many skill credits are awarded for each level.

Rending/Vuln Calculations (2/15/2004)
Have you ever wondered just what skill levels are needed to reach the next rending/vuln level? These charts will show you the answer!

Where to find the Ruined Amulets (7/18/2003)
Ruined Amulets are needed to add a moderate magic buff to your new Sunstone Gauntlets. This listing shows you what to kill to get them.

Updated Tinkering Effects Listing (7/17/2003)
The July 2003 patch brings a lot of new tinkering effects that can be applied to weapons, casting items and armor. Check out this updated tinkering effects listing.

Check out this really cool AC MAP archive! (9/2/2002)
300+ full detailed maps of dungeons. Very clear design, easy to print, with useful infos (Portals, monster spawns, chests, locked doors, stairs, stamina pools, quest items, nearest town, lvl restriction, etc...). The map reference for ACExplorer, ACLocator, AC Mappy Decal plugin, and IncanMonkey ACDM guide book.

Tinkering Effects and Tinkering Materials Listing. (8/18/2002)
Here is a quick listing of tinkering effects and materials that you can use to upgrade or downgrade your Items, Magic Items, Armor and Weapons.

Solclaim PK War - XMAS in JULY. (7/11/2002)
Santa is Pissed. He will Draw Blood from Solclaim. Welcome to XMAS in JULY. You can run, but you can't hide. Santa's going to find you.

Where do I buy level 1-6 Scrolls? (7/1/2002)
The question that is asked so often - and yet rarely answered. Check out this town listing to find out more.

Choosing the Right Character Template (4/2/2002)
When trying to find the perfect template, one must first decide what type of character they would like to play. The templates on AsheronsGuide.com basically fall into a few categories and sub categories. This guide will help you to decide what type of character you wish to play.

SE Solclaim Party Photos (3/10/2002)
The first batch of pictures came in from the SE Solclaim Party - lots of great shots of your favorite toons and toonettes can be found on this page. Expect another bunch of photos soon!

Component Storage Optimization (2/22/2002)
About three months ago, I came to the realization that I was using 5 packs to carry my components around. I spent about an hour researching how I could reorganize my packs to free up at least an entire pack. I ended up freeing up 1 1/4 packs!

SE Solclaim Party in Orlando, Florida (2/6/2002)
Looks like all the Solclaimers in the SouthEast USA wanted to have a party / get together - well that's what they are going to get! Bring your computers and your ability to pound beer and eat BBQ! Signup on the sheet within.

Quests and Locations Guide (12/29/2001)
The AsheronsGuide.com Quests and Location Guide Version will help you to locate popular quests, items and locations throughout the game. (This Guide requires Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or higher)

PK War - Black vs. White (11/13/2001)
The 1st Edition of the Solclaim PK War "Black vs. White" - hosted by AsheronsGuide.com - was a great success! 159 participants helped build the largest and most organized PK War this server has ever seen. Kickaha and Emmortal look forward to providing more great PK Wars in the near future - with even more powerful events and cool website features to keep you in the know.

Singularity Key Carving (11/10/2001)
While surfing around the web in search of cool new information pertaining to the game - I found a cool new JavaScript that calculates your chances of successfully carving a Virindi Singularity Key without failing.

Making Money - Level 40+ (7/18/2001)
There are a great number of ways to hunt for money in Dereth. The following guide should help level 40+ get started to earning more cash then they are spending. It will even help you keep from getting bored with hunting.

Enhance your Gameplay (7/2/2001)
A complete guide to adding third party programs to your Asheron's Call gaming experience. Your level of fun can be increased two-fold just by using a few of the great tools available to you.

About Asheron's Guide (6/30/2001)
Read a little about what this site has been designed to accomplish, what is coming in the future and how you can help us mold AsheronsGuide.com into a complete Asheron's Call community!