Florida / Georgia SOLCLAIM Party.
Well, looks like the SE Solclaimers want to party with Kickaha, Emmortal,
Ruthless and Leodren/Sorn - and thats exactly what they are going to get! We are going to get
the party started on Saturday, March 9th, 2002 - 2PM and run it until sometime
on Sunday, March 10th. I hear there's going to be a BBQ and beer kegs!
What to bring:
Your PC if you feel like it.
One snack food.
What you might find:
Budweiser door prizes.
BBQ food.
Snack food.
Beer kegs.
Frozen party drinks.
100mbps LAN connection.
DVD Movies.
Loud Music.
Boat dock.
Easy access 1/2 mile from Interstate 4.
You will be e-mailed with additional information, address, driving
instructions and a link to a MAPQUEST map in a week or so. If you are flying
in - we suggest landing at the Orlando International Airport!